Menopause Awareness Training Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.8

324 reviews

  • 87% 5
  • 8% 4
  • 4% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1

Interesting to listen and take part in

easy to understand, correct terminology

information presented in a professional respectful way for all to understand

I found the course very well presented

Very clear and informative

Good course - found out some good info

Good informative information. Understanding who to go to if necessary for help and advice and knowing that the company you work for will be there if necessary to support you through difficult times.

Good and informative

No summary provided

A great resource

A good resource to bring awareness to all working in an organisation. I think it is very up to date on the Menopause, would recommend this training for all organisations as a significant number of women are going through this in the workplace.

Menopause not a "gender neutral" issue

The "gender neutral" language used in this course makes it sexist and incorrect. "People" do not experience menopause, women do. A "person" who has not had a period for 12 months is not going through menopause if they are a man! Menopause is a women's issue and the language of the course should reflect this. This is the equivalent of a course on prostate cancer not mentioning it is men who are affected.

Mens Menopause

Whilst I recognise that women, and transgender persons etc, are the focus of this training, and their symptoms are well known, there is no mention of the male menopause or Andropause as it's sometimes known. Could this be recognised and included in this training? As someone who's wife is going through menopause, I myself recognise some of the symptoms in myself and I think it would be beneficial to all to at least recognise that this can happen in men too.

Good course, men should be doing it too

Would have been more helpful to me if I had been given this to do years ago, at 64 years old it felt a bit too late for me to be doing a course on the menopause.

This is very good training

This is the only company I have see to provide this training and awareness to their employees. I feel this is very beneficial and supporting.


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