Manual Handling Training, Page 2490 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

25353 reviews

  • 79% 5
  • 14% 4
  • 5% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 2% 1
Sensible and easy to apply

Good sound advice, the video examples made the theory very clear


straight forward

The presentation was good.

When testing the weight of the box throughout the presentation it was obviously very light as the actors were under no strain shown by there posture. There balance positions would have been slightly different for a real load.

3 Stars

Good quality gfx & ptc's were good general production quality was v good. Only issue for me was that you could skip each section and go straight to the question at the end. This may happen if you had to repeat this process each year. Maybe if you made it funny and shorter... i think short is better people are now used to youtube clips etc... bit size clips maybe cheers David C.

informative, useful

I learnt about the structure of the back and how to lift objects at different heights safely.

3 Stars

It was quite a long winded training programme, for something that was not entirely relevant to me (kitchen asistant). Also, I felt that the question about the angle of the ladder was not fair, as in the training part of the video it spoke of the angle in one way, and in the test question it had converted that information to a percentage - this would penalise you if your maths was bad.

Simple but effective

This was an interesting and informative programme. Little things like 10/2 will now stick with me. I also learnt about how our backs work which I found very intersting. I changed my postion to type this immediately. I also wasnt aware that it was law to inform employees about Safe Manual Handling. My only criticism is that it took a long time to complete and some people may feel reluctant to do it as they are so busy. I had to make time at the end of the working day

Very informative

This is very helpful for home and work. A god training course

4 Stars

The information provided through each stage gave an excellent overview of manual handling and was presented clearly and in plain terminology. The questions at the end of each training section also enabled you to see whether you had taken the information in and understood it prior to taking the test. With regards to the test there was a good variety of questions and the instant feedback on whether the answer was corrcet or not allowed you to know exactly where and why you had made any mistakes and also the section that covers that area.

very good - I feel much more aware now

I found it very comprehensive and I am more aware of how I am moving and lifting now. It might be useful to have a 'confirm' option on the test, in case the trainee wants to change their answer before confirming it.


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