Manual Handling Training, Page 2448 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

25372 reviews

  • 79% 5
  • 14% 4
  • 5% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 2% 1
Concise and informative.

The training programme is clear and logical and is presented in an easy to understand format. However, I feel that the transition between pages/slides in each module takes too long!

This progamme was really good

I found that doing this test has taught myself alot about manual handling and why people should take precautions where you are

4 Stars

Very thorough and explanatory. Takes quite a long time to point out the obvious. Answering one question at the end of each section seems a little unnecessary when there is a test at the end anyway.

3 Stars

The sound quality was really poor on most of the sections

4 Stars

It was good to be able to watch the video, with the explanation in writing on screen to read. This is very good for someone like me who has a hearing disability and cannot hearing the people on the video who are speaking.

Very clear and easy to watch

Very good that we can complete it in the workplace


Very informative.

great, comon sense approach

A good no nonsense approach and a good reminder of all the correct techniques - nice to hear some stories from real people to remind us that the manual handling injuries happen to normal people like us!

Easy to use and follow through.

Not overloaded with too much information but the training delivers details in a way that is easy to remember.

Didn`t take too much time to complete.

It was good to be able to do training at home, at your own speed.


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