Manual Handling Training, Page 2409 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

25379 reviews

  • 79% 5
  • 14% 4
  • 5% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 2% 1
Very good!

I don't know how i coped without it!

5 Stars

Easy to follow video.

Very simple and easy to understand.

A must all people to help minimise back injuries whether in work, home or out and about.

An interactive and productive training

Interactive, effiecient and productive training session

Easy and straight forward to follow

Simple step by step approach to following information and very informative. I have learned lots from the training and understand what it is all about, so now I can apply the information to all areas.

Interesting and informative

Comprehensive and methodical very good

It is very simple and easy to understand

Make sure that you make few notes along the way, as it will be easy to forget key points that have been mentioned. It is mainly common sense, but reinforces that Manual Handling occurs in everyday life.

5 Stars

As a manual handling trainer, I found that this Training Programme encompassed everything that I seek to get across to individuals, using a Powerpoint presentation that I created. I found the DVD to be extremely user-friendly and interesting.

Informative, visual and interactive

Was long enough to cover all the information needed however not so long that interest was lost. Good use of videos to keep you intrerested and was a good idea to have the questions at the end of each section to make sure you were concentrating.

Very informative learning program.

The video's gave a good overview on how to lift properly, the dangers and what damage can be done if not lifted correctly. I have already started using the proper lifting process in every day life (as mentioned in the video). Would highly recommend watching!


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