Manual Handling Training, Page 1135 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

25832 reviews

  • 79% 5
  • 14% 4
  • 5% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Quite scary

Very in depth into how easy it is to cause an injury in manual handling and injuries to the spine, back, tendons without taking care and attention in the load you are about to handle as well as communication with the team. It showed me how easy it is to cause an injury with sheer stupidity and picking something up which we all think we can manage and then causing some serious damage.

Quite scary

An insight into manual handling and how easily an injury can occur without communication, careful handling of any load and taking care to protect our bodies from carrying out lifting without due care and attention. Also, checking out the power zone mid thigh to mid chest which is vital to avoid any injuries.

Quite scary

Insight into carrying out manual handling and how easy it is to cause an injury to ones spine, back, muscles. The awareness is very important in all lifting procedures so this was a very serious course to make sure understanding of manual handling is so vital to not cause a serious back injury, muscle or tendon injury.

Always good to refresh

Nicely laid out training.


No summary provided

very informative , very good videos

No summary provided

Very useful

Covered everything thoroughly and in a manner easy to follow and understand. Valuable for work and home environments.

Great visuals and easy to grasp.

No summary provided

Well presented and thorough.

A good comprehensive guide, makes you realise the damage done by incorrect technique in lifting. Something that many of us older generation are now finding out!

Easy to follow

Good demonstration


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