Lone Worker Safety Training, Page 79 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

1507 reviews

  • 78% 5
  • 10% 4
  • 5% 3
  • 3% 2
  • 4% 1
very basic

No summary provided

Important training

This courses as it is essential for loan workers safety this course equipped loan workers how to deal in different situations that they may face

Hard to integrate with reality

Well designed and presented, with important emphasis on personal responsibility and useful examples of challenges that do/can/might arise. However, it left me wondering how to to prioritise my responses to the huge array of potential risks in daily life - working and otherwise - and some background crime and accident statistics might have been helpful in this connection. The advice not to read a book while travelling on public transport struck me as fatuous.

Very helpful

No summary provided

Very informative

No summary provided

Utterly Patronising

All the course content was common-sense.All my colleague who travel alone by train would always pick the emptiest carriage, allows more personal space and elbow room to work.For me, this course wasted 30 minutes which I will never get back!

Very useful

No summary provided

Pitched at right level

No summary provided

Informative and to the point

Learned new techniques

Useful and clear

I felt that the training improved as it went along. Good quality video, practical examples and advice. I did find some of the points at the beginning rather basic and a bit patronising but appreciate the training needs to cover all levels of experience. I used to run Handling Violence At Work Courses for schools throughout Essex so had prior knowledge and experience. Thanks


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