Lone Worker Safety Training, Page 131 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

1505 reviews

  • 78% 5
  • 10% 4
  • 5% 3
  • 3% 2
  • 4% 1

Informative but could be condensed to make it shorter

Good thorough content, but a bit dry

Covers a lot of detail and has very good resources available. Also contains a very good explanation of what lone working is and who it applies too. There is a lot of mention of personal safety devices and code words, neither of which we use as an organisation so will most likely result in a lot of questions for us if we chose to use this module. However if this was something we used this would be very good. Animations are a bit dark and not very engaging which is dissapointing.

Very good

No summary provided

It's good - helpful reminder

No summary provided

Excellent refresher

No summary provided

Slightly outdated

I got 80% because a couple of questions i personally didn't agree with since the pandemic, e.g... going home on a train... do i a) join a very busy carriage 2) join a carriage with 2 people or 30 an empty one. . . .i believe long as there are more than a single person/group then it would be safer than ALONE but with COVID more safe than a BUSY carriage with many potential issues.

I like hows it's interactive

Keeps your interested and focussed on the interaction

Good informative training course

Well structured, easy to follow course which covers all that is required for lone worker's safety training and relatable to working at SDC

not what I was expecting...

A good course, but some of it had no relevance to me at all, and a lot of it is just common sense. However, its good to be reminded of the simplest things in a work context, that might make a difference to you.

quick and easy

No summary provided


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