Lone Worker Safety Training, Page 114 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

1506 reviews

  • 78% 5
  • 10% 4
  • 5% 3
  • 3% 2
  • 4% 1
very informative

No summary provided

very helpflul

No summary provided

Rather lengthy, but informative

A good on-line course that was vey informative. The timed breaks were a good idea as the course was rather lengthy in time.

Well presented, concise and clear.

One of the best such courses I have done, and there have been quite a few!

The quality of sound was glitchy.

The course content ,overall, was excellent, however the sound was glitchy and was at times difficult to hear. Also some of the web sites on additional resources did not work on my employers' given portal. I work alone , on an island a daily boat commute from my employer, so the last question, ...If you don't have a First Aid Kit, was quite ambiguous. It is my employers responsibility surely to have a first aid kit as well as any extra kit for my own lone working use? The aggressive behaviour and violence section is very triggering for anyone who has been a victim of domestic or other physical abuse. This was mentioned in passing by the trainer, but I think should be stressed much more. As I work outside of the UK , there were some things that were not applicable. I have completed this course on a Friday evening as I have not been given extra time to complete this. This surely is a factor of decreasing well being and mental health? Overall, a very good course.


Very interesting training.And easy to access.

An excellent Course

I am more aware of the importance of implementing safety strategies when travelling to and from work, health & safety risks • keeping within the law knowing the legal responsibilities of employer / employee with regards to my safety at work • use of communication techniques to defuse tension • contact appropriate emergency contacts when needs arise in case of safety concerns to myself or to others • appreciate resources that support our mental health • the lone worker's exposure in a more hostile environment regarding the numerous potential risks; hence, Buddy Systems and lone worker technology; most beneficial, • more appreciative of the crucial difference of Bystander Intervention in preventing unpleasant / threatening situations escalating TUTOR: First Class throughout the course.

2 forms of risk assessment.

No summary provided

Clear precise instructions, well present

No summary provided

very informative and thought provoking

Very good examples and techniques/actions to keep yourself same, was particularly thought provoking the indirect help which you can provide to others re the techniques which can be used to do this without inflaming the situation.


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