Health and Safety Training for Homeworkers, Page 44 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

2276 reviews

  • 75% 5
  • 13% 4
  • 6% 3
  • 3% 2
  • 3% 1
Straight forward and informative.

No summary provided

Please see comment below

Really clear delivery and presentations.Just one thought....wondering if more bullet point (i.e. visual) reminder lists for some segments/sections of the training might be useful.

excellent course

excellent course

Very well presented, but long....

Very well presented and comprehensive with relevant quiz to confirm understanding at the end. Perfect for an induction or where you are unsure of the new persons experience, knowledge and understanding. I hope the CPD sessions hereafter, will be of half the time in duration - happy to assist with re-packaging if not already complete

Practical guide to home working

A practical guide to home working that compliments employers own Policy & Procedures

Issues with questions

Some of the questions did not match "common sense", for example, a candle is a fuel and ignition source, if an item broken whilst I was working I would replace it as soon as possible so I could continue my job and tell my manager. My manage may not be able to sort it themselves or immediately so makes more sense to deal with it and not waste time. Additionally, prolonged use of a screen can damage your eyes if breaks are not taken, the question did not include a caveat about whether breaks were taken and if the screen was free from glare. Long term tired, sore and dry eyes can cause long term impacts



It was fine

No summary provided

It was a very informative course

Very good

Could have been a lot shorter

Some of the content was very basic and felt like it was pitched at school children, not paid professionals


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