Health and Safety Training for Homeworkers, Page 143 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

2281 reviews

  • 75% 5
  • 13% 4
  • 6% 3
  • 3% 2
  • 3% 1
Very Good Course

A very well presented, informative course. Having never worked from home previously, it has given me some good advice and information.

Well delivered and informative

The course was clear, well delivered and very informative with questions to test your knowledge providing a little challenge. Very effective for learning.

Very clear and easy to understand

No summary provided

A long indepth course

Yes very positve - it was a long course however covered a whole host of issues i had not event considered and made me very aware of how little i had intially thought of by working from home.

Good course - your home is a workplace

The course was good in making it clear that when you are working from home ,your workplace is just like any other workplace with the same risks and obligations. The delivery of the content was very good and clear and the course covered all areas needed.

Easy to follow

The video's help explain the points that were being raised and the summary at the end of ech clip certainly helped.

Simple to follow and informative

No summary provided

Concise & well presented tutorial

A well presented & easy to follow tutorial with clear and concise information clearly outlined with good additional information. Controls easy to follow and user friendly.

good bite size pieces

No summary provided

Brought a few things I hadn't thought of

I found this interesting as I have not been an employed home worker before. The course was informative and interesting.


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