Essential Health and Safety Training, Page 1225 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

14276 reviews

  • 76% 5
  • 15% 4
  • 6% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 2% 1
Unnecessary use of bold and capitals

I will first start by saying that I could not view the videos, perhaps the training would have been better with it. From the text, it was all pretty basic information that has been taught several times (where I work we have weekly safety messages and this information does the rounds), however, I found the use of bold text particularly when it was capitalised, just completely unnecessary. I’m pretty sure that your intention isn’t to be patronising but the tone of this type of text certainly comes across that way. I think this can be toned down and be just as effective training material.

Training bit OK. Test terrible!

The training part with the videos was fine and easy to use but the test questions were terrible - most of them only require common sense to work out the correct answer. Three or four of them were questions asked at the end of the mandatory sections - so difficult to get wrong. I believe the test could be taken and passed without watching/reading any of the training/learning materials - which makes the score irrelevant and makes it feel like a tick-bow exercise rather than an important part of work life.

Very easy to use and follow.

No summary provided

Sufficent way to do the course

No summary provided

good session, easy to use

No summary provided

Good if part of wider training suite

This course is appropriate for office workers but seems to miss some key issues, particularly manual handling weight (the notional 25kg which is present in the more technical HSE guidance is ignored for simplicity perhaps?), although it is accepted that manual handling limits depend upon the person and individual handling circumstances. Many key issues such as this are left as quite vague in this course, to the point where a layman could consider them 'obvious' without having had the benefit of understanding where the guidance has originated (i.e. the HSE) and the message the training is trying to relay, without getting too technical to be laborious and time consuming - I assume.Basic fire training is missing and would be appropriate here. Guidance being present on extinguishers is accepted but training before a fire actually occurs would be better, would it not? Chubb has a good video on Youtube that is completely free, interesting enough to actually pay attention to despite being old, and informative: outsourcing nature of iHasco's business model means that key employer-specific information is missing, and leaves the employee to actually have to hunt for various items, such as where the First Aid kit is actually located, where the muster point is etc. Thus the actual nature of this course is that it only serves to augment a company health and safety policy and other training on the ground, it cannot replace it. Its too generic, and does not offer sufficient clear guidance.

Comprehensive and informative

No summary provided

A bit drawn out but generally very good

No summary provided

very simple and easy to use

No summary provided

An excellent and easy to use course

A great learning programme which covers all specific areas, great to follow and loved the test.


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