GDPR EU Training, Page 547 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

5496 reviews

  • 73% 5
  • 18% 4
  • 6% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 1% 1
focused, easy to use, easy to understand

A very well written short course on the key elements of GDPR - very accessible

easy to follow

good easy to follow introduction to GDPR

Great Coverage of the esssential araeas.

Good overall summary and examination of the main areas of GDPR

Very clearly explained

Not really sure who its aimed at.

Good enjoyed it and at my pace.

Informative learned a lot but as my knowledge on the subject was basic unable to actually say how much more I learned!

Easy to understand and follow

Having completed this course, I am very happy with the way that it was constructed and executed. Easy to understand and to follow.

Easy to watch

Not too taxing, although the regulations are quite in depth and complicated the course helped.

Thorough and clear

Factual insight into the consequences of failing to understand GDPR. Most importantly it explained why these regulations are being brought in

Explains a complex area really well

Good as a training tool as it covers a lot of ground in 35 minutes. Very comprehensive!!

Well constructed course

Well constructed course that highlights the new requirements of the GDPR. Logical outline of GDPR, special personal details, principles etc, with good use of graphics to retain interest.


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