GDPR EU Training, Page 444 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

5496 reviews

  • 73% 5
  • 18% 4
  • 6% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 1% 1
Full of information and good content.

Good course.


A bit full on but detailed I guess.

easy to use

film a bit long but had all the relevant content to pass test


As long as you can get on the system to complete the Training

Informative and easy to follow course.

No summary provided

easy comfortable way of working

liked being able to do it in our own time, revisiting it when able

It's good

Learned a lot

Very easy to use

The course was straight forward in plain English and made GDPR very easy to understand.

Informative and easy to follow

The course went smoother than I thought and was very easy to follow and understand.

Lectures good , notes hard to read

Speaker was good and thorough : However the notes were so small you would need a magnifying glass to read them , My only other quibbles relate to the practical room : the lamps were fairly ineffective and should be replaced as just wouldn't direct where I wanted : The cats and dog heads were completely dried out by the second day which had the effect of making working on them exceedingly difficult : I think the air con dried them all out overnight so perhaps the surgical extractions should have been performed on the first day and maybe if they had had dampened or wet towels placed over them then they would not have dried out as much. The only other quibble on the surgical extraction day is we only had one dental machine between two people so a lot of time was spent just waiting for the other person to finish using the machine


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