GDPR EU Training, Page 349 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

5496 reviews

  • 73% 5
  • 18% 4
  • 6% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 1% 1
good training, representation an issue

The criticism I have is around representation. The only ethnic minorities in the training appear as examples of ethnic diversity. Every other person in the training is white - the main speaker and the people used to represent 'average' members of the public or the various roles - such as the person responsible for data protection. This presumes that the only people who can be in authority in the UK are white people and that the role of ethnic minority people is to represent 'difference'. It would be much better is diversity was built into the entire training so that, for example, the data protection officer was a black man, or something similar. While this is not the issue you are aiming to address, the assumptions underpinning the representations of who holds power and knowledge is a default to white people. This is not factually accurate and perpetuates racial stereotyping.


I thought it was really good. Clear, easy to understand language covering all key aspects in a straighforward way.

Well constructed course

No summary provided

Very informative

A very clear training and which I felt was effective and has given me a good basis of the essential important matters


No summary provided

Very interesting

Good training

concise and stright to the point. Easy t

No summary provided

It was clear and to the point.

No summary provided

Clear concise Information.

No summary provided

Online useful, but want materials aswell

Online delivery is very useful, but today I'd like to go back and refresh my memory on a slide or two for something I'm doing and I don't have access. Continuing access to the learning materials online would be helpful since having a refresher a year later is too sporadic.


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