GDPR EU Training, Page 298 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

5496 reviews

  • 73% 5
  • 18% 4
  • 6% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 1% 1
good training technique

videos to learn from followed up by text of the key points was easier to understand than just a power point / slide deck.Maybe instead of the slide deck saying 1/36 reduce it to the individual sections as 36 seemed daunting!

Comprehensive tutorial

Comprehensive tutorial but lengthy subject matter to digest

Informative website and presentation

Lots of detail in various areas of the way to collect, process, store and use personal data, with the concequences if data is released without the concent of the person who's data it is

Good training with clear instructions

Very good training with clear instructions. I learned a lot about GDPR that I didnt know.


No summary provided

Rather informative and helpful

No summary provided

Good comprehensive overview

A comprehensive overview of a complex but important topic. I would say the estimation on completion time is underestimated as there is a lot of information to digest so allow yourself longer to complete this module.

I gave 4 because of the video's

The training was good, but just one thing I didn't like! Is the video takes to long before answering the questions.

It was short and sweet

The course was very concise and straight to the point, but delved into the details whenever necessary. Some of the exam questions were tricky but it's good to give you a sense of understanding of the GDPR if you achieve a passing grade.

A very useful training guide

This training session was very useful as i learnt alot of terms and concepts of the GDPR legislation in force now. I also learnt how important GDPR is in the workplace and outside of work. A very highly recommended training guide.


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