GDPR EU Training, Page 275 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

5496 reviews

  • 73% 5
  • 18% 4
  • 6% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 1% 1
it does what it is meant to do.

it is well presented. i would rather have it on paper to read - or a download. i guess that was available, but i was part-way through before realising that would be more appropriate. I am not sure about the question to do with dead people- i think that needs checking. having your data released as soon as you are dead makes no sense - as it knocks on to those who are still alive.

Very Informative

No summary provided

Clear and strightforward

No summary provided

This is a very good informative course

Definitely worth taking every year as a good refresher for anyone processing personal data on a daily or weekly basis

Clear and concise information

This course was very clear and concise. It gave all the information required in easy to follow slides, with extra information available if required. Lots of information to digest but could easily navigate back to previous slides to recap on information.

Clear and concise

Great training. The content was delivered clearly and concisely which made it easier to understand. It was useful having a very quick review of the content at the end of the training.

great graphics

No summary provided

Basic simple explanations with direct me

No summary provided

Great course

Good course to follow lots of informative information need to understand it to pass the test makes you aware of all the Gdpr rules

Good knowledge

Thank you so much, I get to know more


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