GDPR in Education Training, Page 194 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

1945 reviews

  • 80% 5
  • 12% 4
  • 5% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Video overkill

The training is concise and easy to follow. The questions are straight forward, and do include some common sense answers. The relevance is questionable, and can be breached, without accountability? (eg confidential details left on printers & copiers by mistake?)

Concise and easy to follow

Packed with information but not over facing, easy to understand and follow

A concise and useful overview of GDPR

No summary provided

The course is well explained and easy to

No summary provided

Interesting and helpful

No summary provided

The session was informative

One of the questions had a typo: Question: When a Data Controller passes data over to a Data Processor, they also hand over ALL responsibilities for the safety and security of the date until it is handed back? Answer B False should say- both parties are now responsible…

It was very interesting


Simplified to make it understandable

No summary provided

A very useful course

Learnt a lot about GDPR and how to handle data. Avery useful course for everyone to learn. Very interesting and helpful information learnt about data.

It was more basic than I was expecting.

I am a DPO and wanted to ensure that I was covering everything that I needed. However, I think it would be a useful course for other staff members in school


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