Fraud Awareness and Prevention Training, Page 50 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

913 reviews

  • 82% 5
  • 10% 4
  • 5% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 2% 1
I found this Course very helpful

The course itself very good I did not like the comment that men are more likely to commit fraud than women I would not like to turn that around the other way I do think that it is a very unfair comment, but took a lot of good stuff out of the course

I found the course very informative

I enjoyed the course and have gained some new knowledge, I found the course content interesting and informative.

Interesting Course

Good Course well presented and useful

Good but not Perfect

I did the test. I got two answers wrong. I do not think the answer to one of the questions is correct. Here’s the question. “If my manager approves me staying late and using company equipment for personal use is it fraud?” I answered yes. The correct response as per the test is no. I do not agree. The manager is not the 100% owner of the company. So by agreeing to let a employee use equipment for personal use is fraud by the manager and the employee. Only the actual owner of the company has the authority to agree to this. Not the manager.


No summary provided

Very informative and helpful

No summary provided

Simple and easy to understand

No summary provided

Informative and useful training

Refreshed and reiterated the main points to look out for - be vigilant but not complacent.

Easy listening and productive

Really like this trainer, he is easy to listen to and I take things in better when he is delivering the training. The training is precise and to the point, therefore the time allowed for the training is good and short. The training that takes longer is harder to focus on.

Easy to follow and complete

No summary provided


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