Fire Warden Training (Marshal), Page 330 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

13571 reviews

  • 76% 5
  • 18% 4
  • 4% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Good course, informative

No summary provided

Good theory to Fire Warden training

The Fire Warden training contains good theory and is good preparation to practical hands-on fire safety training.

I thought the course was excellent

practically perfect in every way very useful and informative

Great content, clumsy video experience

While I really enjoyed the videos themselves what I found very frustrating is that once a video has finished playing you cannot skip back in the timeline to watch part of the video you want to re-watch. Instead the only option you have is to fully re-watch the video. While the video has not yet reached the end you can skip back to earlier parts of the video, but as soon as the video has finished if you want to go back you are forced to re-watch the whole thing. This was an enormous time sink and was deeply frustrating. The transcript is useful but I'd have rather skipped to the part of the video I wanted to re-watch in most cases.At the end of each video is a screen that summarizes what has been explained in the video. I found these summaries inconsistent. Many perfectly captured what was said in a succinct way and others were very bare bones, missing a lot of key information that was discussed in the video, which adding to my earlier point meant you were forced to re-watch the whole video if you wanted to refresh.

Very clear and precise

This is a very clear and precise training course. Extremely well presented and broken down into sections which are clear and easy to follow.

Very Clear Teaching

The course is well thought through and gives clear step by step information on the role of a Fire Warden as well as fire safety procedures. The re-caps, illustrations and demonstrations add to the concise way in which the information is put across.

Easy to Digest

Very informative and easy to digest..


Ok for basic training

I found the course easy to follow

The course was easy to follow and being in small chunks made it easier to take in.


I really enjoyed doing the course online, I could do it in my own time which was really great.


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