Fire Warden Training (Marshal), Page 1302 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

13520 reviews

  • 76% 5
  • 18% 4
  • 4% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
5 Stars

Easily understood and essential knowledge given to ensure safety and awareness of potential hazaards in the workplace and also at home!

Excellent training

You just need to watch this once, make a few notes and take the test - 100%

Fabulous, informative, interesting a must

My dad was a fireman and always taught me to take escape and possibility of fire seriously. I always have and always will. This programme is informative and will educate people to take it seriously and alert them to what they think they know but they don't. Thank you.

easy to follow

Simple, bite size, clear

An informative and engaging course.

I found this training course informative and engaging. It manages to cover a lot in a logical and easy-to-follow format, and the factual sections are broken up with interviews and demonstrations, which helps with retention of information.

Easy to follow

I found the whole programme easy to follow and very detailed. The fact that you could go over a section again if you where interrupted was very useful as unfortunately I had to complete the course in a busy office.

Concise yet informative training package

A well-produced, well delivered training DVD, that was as informative as it was interesting, that succeeded in delivering the salient points to do with fire safety whilst remaining enjoyable to use/work through. Highly recommended for any small business.

4 Stars

Contains all the fundamentals, with the option of gaining further knowledge.

Informative interesting enjoyable

An excellent programm I really enjoyed doing it and it was very informative


The training was clear and the important points were well emphasised. I consider this training is good value and can genuinely help an organisation to manage risk in the most appropriate fashion.


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