Fire Warden Training (Marshal), Page 1089 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

13551 reviews

  • 76% 5
  • 18% 4
  • 4% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
I thought this programme was excellent.

The video clips were useful. It was well structured, informative, easy to follow and with a systematic approach on each topic. It was made quite clear what the duties of a fire warden are.

Very comprehensive and informative

It made me aware of the fire risks in the workplace and the importance of regular fire awareness training. I was surprised that Arson is the main cause of a fire in 80% of cases. It made me aware of the importance of highlighting risks to all staff and general awareness of what can cause a fire in the workplace.

the sound on the video isnt the best - i

the sound on the video isnt the best - it cut out half way through and wouldn't come back on - 2 more people have had this issue

Clear, memorable,accessible.

The course confirmed commonsense information while providing an understanding of the procedures & duties involved in the role. It managed to avoid being both alarmist & complacent. It also gave clear reasons & illustrations for the information.

Conceptually thorough with clear present

Good concept, but some superluous information. Vide links frustrating since they kept "freezing". as such, they were probably too long. This may have been hampered by poor IT links at our end. Appeared to be some issues with the test; initial link to fire extinguisher video inaccessible, then took ages to load, then the "correct" answer was "held nozzle", when it was clear in the video that the actualo isue was that he failed to test the (watert type) extinguisher. Then the test kept partially restarting (i.e. going back to Q2 of 20!). So there appear to be some IT issues here. Main "host" was clear and audible, but "interviews" with the Fire Officers could have been more brief.

Informative, Useful and necessary

The training helped me understand my roles as a Fire warden within a business and how people react without the proper guidance. It did get stuck on the last question of my test but I did get through after a bit of waiting so I'm glad. It was really good, I feel I am informed appropriately and that I shouldn't take my role lightly.

Good induction into Fire Warden training

Good to re-establish my Fire Warden training. It is surprising how in a year you forget certain aspects.

Good Focus on important points

Varies delivery of the message which helps to hold attention and focus on the topics covered

Really enjoyed this training

A very well presented and explained course

5 Stars

Informative and good idea having subtitles.


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