Fire Warden Training in Education, Page 96 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

1126 reviews

  • 73% 5
  • 17% 4
  • 7% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 1% 1

No summary provided


matter but I think there should have been tests/questions as you went along or at least one halfway through to break it up a bit, not just the odd question. It took a long time and felt a bit laborious. Overall matter

Really informative user-friendly format

No summary provided

Excellent, very comprehensive.

The format was very accessible, watching videos especially helped me to clearly take in the information. It made me really look at my classroom and consider what I would do in an emergency. I also went to look properly at where the extinguishers are located and which ones would be suitable for an electrical fire as my room contains many computers which pose a potential fire risk. I feel much more informed.

Very informative.

The only issue I had was after completing the course was trying to get on to taking the test. I needed to go through the course again and seek help to refresh the page so I could take the test. What should have taken 120 minutes took me over 300 minutes!

The trainers were informative.

The session is quite long and unfortunately I did find the way in which the information was conveyed quite dry. As it was so long I did have to dip in and out of the training throughout the day. It would be useful to receive a hard copy of something to refer to in the event of needs to act in my role as a fire warden as well as a list of fire wardens that I need to be made aware of.

It was a little too lonng

No summary provided

Competent but long

It is a long course - the videos of people not responding to the fire bell could have been described in 20 seconds instead.


This course is thorough and informative.

very clear and comprehensive

The information is clear and concise. The interim test sections help to evaluate areas that are not yet fully understood. The test is challenging and robust


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