Fire Awareness Training, Page 2231 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

22717 reviews

  • 76% 5
  • 17% 4
  • 5% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
clear conscise and interesting .

enjoyed the interactive aspects of programme and kept my attention

informative & easy to understand

I thought it was really good that I could do this training at my desk at a time which was convenient to me. The content was comprehensive and informative with the right mix of text, pictures and videos

5 Stars

The online fire training was very good and extremely useful and well delivered,the videos were very clear and easy to follow,overall very good course

Straight forward and to the point.

An informative programme, easy to understand and follow. The fire extinguisher demonstrations, i found usefull and interesting and the progamme overall was not to long and kept my interest.

5 Stars

I thought the program was very good,with the correct amount of content for the work place.

Clear Concise

It would appear that the programme has had a overhaul which means that the introdustion of videos and more visual elements makes the course more enjoyable and easier to learn from.

4 Stars

Very informative in an easily understandable format

4 Stars

Good material and well presented

Very good, clear, and easy to absorb

The Fire Awareness Programme is devided in different steps that deal with different aspects of fire awareness. This stepwise approach makes it easy to absorp. Voice over is excellent with pleasent pace. In case you would like to redo a section, review is easily accomodated with forward, back, and replay buttons.

Easy to follow, laid out course

Good course, covering the basic essentials. Course did freeze at one stage but luck would have it once I had exited the programm and went back in the course had been saved.


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