Fire Awareness Training in Education, Page 5 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

3825 reviews

  • 83% 5
  • 12% 4
  • 4% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Informative, easy to follow

Easy to follow as was in short, related chunks. Presenters were clear and easy to follow.

Informative, clear but rather long

It was informative, clear, and easy to follow, although the prospect of 40+ videos is demotivating, and at 35 minutes minimum but the time your watched all the videos etc and taken the test somewhat lengthy. It seemed that it could be reduced in areas perhaps to about 20 mins. Overall.


No summary provided

Clear and concise instructions

Easy to follow, clear and concise presentation.

Clear explanation and demonstration

No summary provided

Concise and straightforward

No summary provided

Just the right level.

The course kept my interest better than previous, lengthy courses. There is always so much to remember in fire training but I think the content was appropriate for school staff.

Easy to carry out

Clear, short course videos made the content easy to follow. Additional course notes to refer to in the test would have been helpful.

Very clear and easy to understand.

Informative and easy to follow. The summary at the end of each section was helpful. Being able to dip in and out at your convenience was good. Straightforward information that was at the right level.

Succinct, though and informative

No summary provided


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