Fire Awareness Training in Education, Page 369 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

3825 reviews

  • 83% 5
  • 12% 4
  • 4% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Mandatory for me to take

No summary provided

An excellent, thorough course

I did not expect the on-line course to be so thorough. I felt that it was very well presented and structured and surprisingly straight forward. I felt that it was a thorough, detailed and very useful course. I was surprised at how in depth the test at the end was.

Excellent course

The course was excellent, but because it is long it is not easy to do in a busy office environment with interruptions as there is a lot to take in and to remember.

informative & easy to use

No summary provided

Very Informative

A very interesting course , very clearly explained ,it gave you a good all round concept on what to do in the event, the process, tackling, and a good explanation of all the Fire Extinguishers what to use them for etc. A good overall course from start to finish

excellent to refresh your memory

Easy to follow and explanation of vital information. Thank you

Good course, got the main points across

It could do with a summary section at the end going over the main points, particularly where specific dangers are present eg. water on electrical fires, 1 person, 1 extinguisher, 1 fire and the use of carbon dioxide in small spaces.These high-risk points could perhaps be reiterated more strongly.The bit about signage focuses more on types of signs then it does on what the main ones actually mean. Could have given more examples of their actual implications for the employee.

Very easy to complete and understand.

Good that it focuses on schools. Has made me more aware and I now feel more confidant of what to do and how to tackle a fire if one should start, particularly as I work in the laboratories.

Clear and informative

No summary provided

Really well explained, clear and factual

I learned a lot from this course and feel much more confident about my knowledge of the causes and types of fire, and what to do in the event of one. I think I might still find the different types of extinguisher a bit confusing in the event, but if I revise and learn the types, it should sink in.


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