Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Training, Page 957 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

9949 reviews

  • 72% 5
  • 16% 4
  • 7% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 3% 1
Realy a good course, nicely explained

No summary provided

Excellent course

Well presented and clear

Struggled with this course

I struggled with this course due to my dyslexia, I had to keep re visiting the information several times and it took my over 1.2 hours to complete successfully, the information was not as clear as it could be and I found it to be repetitive in places, also some of the questions and how they were set out we a little misleading and I think more info should of been on them to be able to come to a clear answer. scenario's would really help with this i.e. a case study played out in video where you answer questions instead of a written question. As this would help with learning styles of people who don't learn in an academic way and are more kinaesthetic like myself.

I will state very usefull.

The course was very use full as it as made me ware of situations that could occur within the work environment. The course has open my knowledge on discrimination, and gender and other forms of discrimination. I am now aware of behaviours that can be identified and the actions that can be carried out to improve the performance of the work environment. I was surprised age discrimination, gender was so complex and sensitive within interview situations. It is good that these discrimination are taken seriously by law and employers. I also realise there is a thin line between bullying and harassment and how difficult to identify the problems that effect the performance of the business . I will state it was difficult to concentrate during the course as there were some distractions but the course has made me aware of Equality and Diversity.

Easy to use course, very imformative.

A Demo test for each section I think would be useful to confirm the content covered.

wouldnt save properly

i started section2 and had to stop on resuming the sections i had watched hadent saved and i had to repeat to do the test not good when you are trying to fit online training into an already busy day runing a construction site.

Easy to use and great

No summary provided

okay completed course

okay course not difficult to follow .


Really good and easy to use

Informative and easy to complete

User friendly and easy to complete.


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