Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Training, Page 899 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

9964 reviews

  • 72% 5
  • 16% 4
  • 7% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 3% 1
Like an audiovisual glossary of terms

The course provided clear definitions of different terms relating to equality and diversity but in a painfully slow manner. I would rather have an option of video or written information. The audio was too slow and repetitive. The course gives definitions of legal and illegal behaviour but does not offer any advice regarding how to act when discrimination is witnessed or experienced. There should be information about where one might seek support or advice. It would be good to include examples of some real-life cases and how they were resolved.

Clear and easy to understand

No summary provided

Good content but repetitive in places.

Some of the main messages arising got lost at the examination stage by that part concentrating on terminology rather than testing that behaviours arising from the course have sunk in properly.

Too slow

Its too slow. You cant fast forward the videos, and I can read the transcripts very quickly and am waiting for the video to finish before I can move onto the next slide. We are not all slow people who need visual aids - there should be a choice of readimg and moving onto the next slide or of watching the slide. We all learn in different ways - some people are much quicker than others

Easy to follow and seems comprehensive

No summary provided

Found it all interesting

No summary provided

Add value to company & bring big chage

Equality & Diversity is really hidden topic & many company / employe suffers because of not understanding the subject & it's implicatition

Very informative and accessible.

No summary provided

Not clear "Positive Action"

According to the questions I have been asked, I would like to understand if it would be considered positive actions to encourage a network of religious people on the workplace? Closed network of all sort, won't encourage further bonding beyond the professional level, which would create personal preferences on a certain segment of people, which is precisely the base for any prejudice and discrimination to start?

low consideration for disability

I was disappointed with the training on the point that there is no real constructive teaching on supporting people with disabilities. To define a "reasonable adjustment" having visual indications for people with disability doesn't sound an appropriate teaching for an equality training, since equality implies to give the same opportunities to all, which makes a discriminating act, and not a reasonable adjustment not providing the tools necessary to people with disabilities to carry out their tasks/feeling safe in the work place.


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