Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Training, Page 858 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

9964 reviews

  • 72% 5
  • 16% 4
  • 7% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 3% 1
Good course

Explains the big area of Equality and Diversity well with many workplace examples.

Easy to use and explained clearly.

The site was easy to navigate and the course content was easy to understand. A few of the questions tested memory rather than proper understanding, for example, when asked the number of protected characteristics. Overall, a useful course with terms explained clearly.

very user friendly

I found taking notes helped with the test, but the training course was good to have the option of stopping and starting the videos to give you time to understand and take in the information.


Good to up date my knowledge of E&D as I have completed a course and have a certificate. Refresher course was good

Very informative

Very helpful in ensuring that we are aware of issues and laws

Very informative and clear descriptions

The use of video clips I find more engaging than just using presentation slides.

covered the key topics

No summary provided


As with so many of these remote online courses. I miss the opportunity to contest having been marked down for an answer I obviously thought to be correct. And I am sorry, but even taking up the option to return to the relevant section. Did not give any better insight as to why this should be. For example: Setting up a network for Gays, would not be discrimination against heterosexuals??? or Encouraging/Assisting women to apply for promotion, to ensure a balance within the company, not discriminate against men??

Similar to other online courses.

I found the presentations rather long even though each section has a time indicated they are combined for the whole presentation. During the test if you got a question wrong you could go bask to the presentation but you had to go through all of the rest of the presentation before getting back to the quiz. This is the same setup as the online 'Equality and diversity training done a few years ago.


Quick course. Difficult to answer the questions in the language of your choice since all the terminology in the video is only in English.


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