Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Training, Page 797 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

9988 reviews

  • 72% 5
  • 16% 4
  • 7% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 3% 1
important info

Important info and well explained

Patronising, slow, miss defined terms.

Would prefer to read the legal legislation. Definately good for everyone to know their legal rights incase someone is in a horrid position/situation. I feel it could be delivered more concisely, clearly and accurately.

Clearly outlined

The course was laid out clearly on what to expect.

Very Informative and clear understanding

Very informative and the information was clear and simple to understand.

Enjoyable on-line training

Interesting and easy to follow with formative and summative assessment

Videos were patronizing.

The pace of the videos was slow enough I got bored waiting for important information meaning I sometimes missed it when it finally came, this made the tone come across as patronizing. It was unclear what the definition of gender being used was and I don't know any single definition of gender that made sense when inserted in all the places gender was used, but different definition made sense when inserted in different places. Also Sex was used in place of gender with no obvious reasoning for the different choice.

Ok, but a few misunderstood terms.

I think the course gets stereotyping wrong, but this is probably the law's fault. Stereotyping is not so much a heuristic for survival as a heuristic that helps us get an understanding of, and enable communication with other humans beings much faster than we otherwise could. It does this very well the vast majority of of the time, but it's a heuristic, so it can be wrong and when it's wrong it can be horribly wrong.

Meets requirements

No summary provided


Lots of information, some I didn't know and also food for thought on how I can some times think.

Fairly banal.

Some of the statements such as 'Prejudice is usually negative' are incorrect, people are simple more aware of acting on negative prejudices. Some of the test questions are about semantics. It was annoying having to click so many times. It covered a wide range of issues.


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