Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Training, Page 720 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

9998 reviews

  • 72% 5
  • 16% 4
  • 7% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 3% 1
Great. Very clear.

No summary provided

very worthwhile

I thought that this was very interesting and thought provoking.

Too Wordy

No as bad as the GDPR document but if you don't have a legal mind it becomes daunting.

it is very interesting

No summary provided

Was ok

Was nice and easy

Good course but more questions

Overall good - questions on scenarios are in my view the best way to learn this.

I felt that some of the questions were a

No summary provided

Relevant, useful, clear

I found the course interesting to follow with the videos, summaries and questions. As an apprehensive learner, I have to say it what a fun way to learn! The course was inclusive. however if there were to be any suggested improvement it would be to include menopause, as the impact can be quite considerable on some women and it would help employers and employees to be more aware. Thank you.

Excellent quality short duration videos

I found the use of short duration videos coupled with narration to be very useful and helped ease my understanding. I think the introduction of the 9 protected characteristics earlier in the training would have helped in the earlier sections.

Concise course with key info covered

I thought that this was a good course - it was concise with the info that it covered, and ensured that all relevant information relating to Equality & Diversity was covered at a high level. I also appreciated the lack of repetition between sections, as it was obvious that each section had a clear purpose. I would have appreciated a section on how to deal with colleagues who may not be following these guidelines - however that would be my only point of improvement 😊


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