Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Training, Page 318 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

10016 reviews

  • 72% 5
  • 16% 4
  • 7% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 3% 1
Fine, basic human decency.

Expecting or forcing people to use preferred pronouns is compelled speech and isn't acceptable. While more people than would openly admit it find the whole issue to be nonsensical (outrage and cancel culture being rife right now) it may be worth mentioning it is much easier and likely more acceptable to remove pronouns in our speech for people with gender preferences and just use their names. (example Sally said instead of she said). People should not be facing legal or disciplinary action based on that and this course seeks to reinforce that position. The rest was fine, treating each other with respect and not being rude while preventing hate and discrimination against those with protected characteristics is just basic human decency.

The course is very good but far to long.

Good course and highlights all the issues we should all be aware of but is to long and repetitive. could be scaled down but have the same impact on the person taking the course.

Clear, concise training

Really enjoy the video element of the training, and the questions themselves were not too long.

Too long and boring

The above sums it perfectly.

Very interesting and informative

A lot of this course is common sense, and just understanding how we are all different, yet taking time to really understand how people do feel, and not assuming. I think that giving people the confidence to know its ok to ask colleagues questions and get to know them isa good thing to do, and not shy away from asking, therefore, to help to create a really inclusive workplace or social place.

Learnt about diversity

Learnt a lot regarding mix diversity at work


The course presented the material clearly and the test was straightforward.

Very concise and informative

Interesting how the workplace has improved over the years!

Thorough, engaging and relevant

a great introduction and overview of some challenging topics

Content and presentation all good.

I had to disagree where it was stated that no two people's gender identification is the same. Either I misundestood or it wasn't what was meant!


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