Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Training, Page 246 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

9998 reviews

  • 72% 5
  • 16% 4
  • 7% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 3% 1
Signs of the modern World.

Good to keep up with the times - a few of the questions/answers maybe a little ambiguous, hence the 95% result. Just shows how careful you need to be.

Very good

No summary provided

Course was very informative.

Detailed course and easily understood.

thought provoking

Excellent content. Really makes you think. Learnt a more around EDI.

Clear messages and consice

This course was very informative and interesting. It highlighted a lot of problem areas with all cultures, colour, ethnic background, sex, gender etc and how everybody in the workplace should be mindful of each other and respect their heritage. Bravo!

Covers all key points well

I thought this was an engaging course with all key points addressed and despite recently doing a similar course in my old job found it maintained my attention. Test should focus on key points rather than recall of considered enhancement in productivity per £1 investment, but pass mark appropriate knowing inclusion of some recall questions rather than understanding.

Great refresher course

I think this is a decent start for people who may not have much experience with this topic before.However,some valuable content addressed.

Rather long

Informative, but long!

Eye opening

A great deal of information to assimilate, so the breaks were well considered.

Very easy to understand

Very concise and specific language used which is not open to misinterpretation


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