Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Training, Page 106 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

9964 reviews

  • 72% 5
  • 16% 4
  • 7% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 3% 1
EDI Training

Excellent training course, concise & informative.

nowt to do with my job

i work with a male crew, i was raised one way and you are trying to change my ways

Translation is disastrous

I started this course in Dutch, and had to give up because it was nonsense and made me angry. E.g. the very first question translates both 'equality' and 'equity' to the same word 'gelijkheid', asks me what is the difference between 'gelijkheid' and 'gelijkheid', then says: No, it's the other way around. My country, in the past, treated Dutch speaking people as second rate, so I felt a bit pressured, humiliated, offended and/or frightened into switching languages by this Diversity training.

good course, good examples

some good exercises to allow people to think about their own behavior which may have been previously overlooked. Once people look at their own behavior and adjust this, even over time, positive results will occur...for everyone 😊


In depth training, made me think about different situations

Update on what is right,

Dit is nu een UK training (maar in de rest van de wereld best practice). Het kader van hoe dit moet/zal vertaald worden naar werking VLIZ is mij niet duidelijk.1) erg theoretische benadering 2) focus op wat verkeerd gaat ipv hoe je wel met elkaar kan omgaan waardoor het zijn doel mist. 3) geen handvaten voor goed gedrag enkel afwijzingen. Slachtoffers hebben altijd gelijk, maar wat moet je doen als je verkeerd begrepen bent? 4) verwijzing naar onze anti pest en andere procedures moet hier zeker op volgen want dat is super belangrijk om toch iets aan te reiken van handvaten voor toepassing binnen VLIZ.Ik zie en hoor rond mij dat deze opleiding eerder onzekerheid brengt bij sommigen dan oplossing aanbrengt over hoe het wel kan. Dit is dan ook mss pas de start, maar we zijn er nog niet klaar mee. Dat is ook belangrijke feedback voor HR denk ik.


No summary provided

Course contain is simple

The course was structured in a simple, easy-to-understand, and remember the way. The additional resources were also quite helpful.

concise, clear training

Found the training was able to meet the needs of how I personally interact with training, As people train differently it was a welcomed to see the learning was not just as a transcript but visual as well. The training was clear and very concise which made the learning easier to understand and absorb.


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