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Too Long

Good Information but far too long for E-Learning

Time consuming

I found this training very interesting and thought provoking but time consuming as over 1 hour.

Clear, professional and genuine

Well produced and written. It would be excellent if it could be half an hour or 45 mins – even with the breaks it's a lot to concentrate on in one session.

A reminder is always useful and to bring everyone up to date with current legislation

Useful update to current legislation and to remind people of their responsibilities

To much information initially

As an older person there was to much information initially but got easier to absorb as the course progressed.

Great Training Program.

I find this whole iHasco brilliant! I love to learn new things, and refresh old learnings constantly! I care about people, and feel it VERY important for people to be aware of the world, and people around them, and try to always be kind and understanding. This helps not olny learn, but rewards you by being certified too, which I find a great incentive also for those who may find it hard to start learning. Should be available to everyone for awareness!

Great insight

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Very good

Lot more manageable and easier than sitting in class and can complete in own Time and no pressure

I like the short succinct videos of each section

The course proceeds logically and directly without any waffle or padding. Each point is useful. A few parts does not seem so relevant to practical working in the workplace but overall it was helpful, thought provoking and engaging. Thank you

This was a great course

The course was very well set up and easy to follow