Environmental Awareness Training, Page 88 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

4071 reviews

  • 73% 5
  • 12% 4
  • 8% 3
  • 4% 2
  • 4% 1
Match more situation

If the question can be related to worldwide situation not UK only, this will be better

It was a lot of waffle

There was a lot of waffle and very little content. Also as I work for home and have since the pandemic much of what was said is already being done. No printer - not wasting paper, Not driving to work = less pollution. Turning computer off makes sense as I am paying for the electricity. I think the environment awareness is really important and I've enjoyed all other courses but this one felt flat and didn't engage me.

Very long

provide the questions up front if people know a lot about the environment they should be able to skip most of this


No summary provided

Very good training makes me. happy.

The more i do wing. the more i gat more knowledge.

Most of thee course is common sense

Most people are already more than aware of everything contained in this course. Some of it is simply common sense and the rest is something in the news everyday.

It was good

Very helpful thank u

Information without studies.

Some of the information in this video is presented as fact, when science is always changing. obviously, humans have had a negative effect on the world, but, telling me to eat less meat and then move to no meat at all is harmful. Red organs and meat are the most bio available food on the planet. To tell people not to eat it could be damaging to their health and development especially in children. I would ask that future videos either quote peer reviewed studies or have opposing views from experts in this field. Also, private jets and cruise liners are as damaging if not more damaging than farming meat which humans have been doing for over 250,000 years.



THumbs up

No summary provided


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