Environmental Awareness Training, Page 55 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

4069 reviews

  • 73% 5
  • 12% 4
  • 8% 3
  • 4% 2
  • 4% 1
Personal Environmental Awareness actions

The presentation focused on how we can reduce our impact on the environment. Often the impression is given that this is something recent but reducing greenhouse gases was being talked about in the late 70s soon after the hole in the ozone layer was discovered and tackled. The solving of the ozone crisis gave hope that greenhouse gases, although a bigger problem, could also be tackled. In starting work, I walked to work for 14 years and cycled for 8 years, in this time I saw no great enthusiasm around me to make sacrifices, indeed cars just keep getting bigger. I hope this presentation does encourage people to reduce their environmental impact (and some will) but we really need action to improve building regulations around insulation of new homes, solar panels as an integral part of new build, action to improve the existing building stock and above all, how can our company improve the environment impact we have corporately?

Awareness to our environment

This is a great idea to increase awareness to our environment and the impact of human behaviours. Every one should make the effort and help our ecosystem.

Good knowledge about the environment

The role of the company to better environment is explained very well.

very interesting

It's nice to see this is part of training, as It's something we should all be aware of and be part of in helping with the environment.


No summary provided

Very important

Amazing way to make people aware about the importance of saving our home, the planet, by making small steps, and the awareness that everything start with ourselves.

Very interesting

Something we all need to be aware of, and to keep training and educating everyone as often as possible, so we can all make a difference to the environment.


A bit simplistic. The population graphic, with Africa filling up with people first and the most, is racist. It is the least populated continent on Earth, but the one which the rest of the planet is hell bent on controlling the population of, whilst simultaneously extracting natural resources for green initiatives.

Very informative

No summary provided


I feel as though this course is contradictory and misleading in some of the information provided. Specifically about the food section of the carbon emissions and how it affects the environment as a whole. One one hand your course says that fertilisers etc. are bad for the planet and then in the other hand tells you to stop eating animal products and eat more plant based products which require more fertiliser in order to achieve feeding 8 billion people on the planet a plant based diet.The problem is not meat or animal products. The problem also is not plant based products either. What needs to be encouraged is buying from regenerative farms and organic farms. Farms that specialise in both animal products and plant based products. Where there is synergy between the two.I think the person/people who came up with the course needs to look into this as the course is contradictory and also biased towards one thing.


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