Environmental Awareness Training, Page 338 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

4071 reviews

  • 73% 5
  • 12% 4
  • 8% 3
  • 4% 2
  • 4% 1
Excellent Environmental Awareness

An excellent course, that drives home the contributions we can all make and changes necessary to support the environment.

Rather too basic

Some of the content was interesting but the majority was rather too basic and the sort of thing most people already know about. I'd be more interested if the course was shorted and focused more on compliance, regulations and workplace specific awareness rather than looking at general environmental awareness which was set at a very basic level.

Seemed targeted at a younger audience

The content of this module is generally fine and has some interesting facts, but I felt that it wasn't appropriately targeted for a more mature and professional audience. It felt more appropriate for a younger teenage/pre-teen audience. The particular presenter's style reinforced this. As such, at times, it felt very patronizing.


No summary provided

I think all of us we have to get engaged

If we flow what they’re saying we will make the balance and we will save our planet. Now the problem is getting serious and we see how it’s effecting every day in our life.


No summary provided

Too long

Far too long with many duplicate points within the slides.

No, 6 stars! Thought & action provoking

Thank you for putting this together. I have been interested and, like many of us, concerned about the impact we humans have on the planet for many many years; I've tried to do my bit but have always felt like a lone voice in the wilderness, until recently of course.This is an excellent piece of work, both informative and thought provoking and, as I have suggested has encouraged me to up 'my bit'

Informative, visual and interesting

I found this course extremely interesting with all the statistics and information in relation to environmental awareness. I feel the data excised from this training will really help me in my future bids and will also assist me in being more environmentally friendly in the future. I will also ensure that my family realise the impact they can have on the environment and understand how they can adapt this to be more environmentally aware.

Good information

No summary provided


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