Environmental Awareness Training, Page 313 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

4071 reviews

  • 73% 5
  • 12% 4
  • 8% 3
  • 4% 2
  • 4% 1

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Great stuff enjoyable course well presented and multi question choice

Superficial, hypocritical, unresearched

Technically competent and visually attractive but the content left me boiling with rage. Do you have a module on anger management? Hypocritical: because many tragic images are shown of plastics in the environment and how we should re-use and recycle them, but this is trivialised by the casual use of products in plastic bottles and packaging, the plastic planters and compost in a plastic bag. Even the charity box was made of green plastic. The stuff is ubiquitous and difficult to avoid but your examples of positive initiatives give good evidence of how to contribute to the problem. Unresearched: That compost!! Miracle Gro General Purpose has 70-100% peat content. Peatlands are the largest natural terrestrial carbon store on the planet, sequesting 0.37 gigatonnes of CO2/year, which is more carbon than all other vegetation types in the world COMBINED. Unfortunately bogs do not make pretty videos but I suggest you re-write this video and highlight peatland destruction which is far more significant than forestry, hectare for hectare. Using this gardening session with peat based compost which quite likely originated in Finland or the Baltic states and is then dispensed into plastic planters for plants taken from plastic pots after they have travelled many pollution generating miles, would be laughable if it were not so tragic. Highlight the work being done to restore peatlands and shame gardeners into avoiding peat based compost for a more incisive and significant presentation. However, all of the above is trivia compared to the unpalatable truth that you touched on with another nice graphic at the beginning, but obviously could not expand upon: We are simply breeding our way to destruction. China's one child policy has been castigated around the world but we are inexorably moving towards the point where some brave policy maker will have to be first in proposing financial and social penalties for women that produce 'excess' births. There's a tough nut to crack in your presentation!

Very well presented and easy to follow!

Very interesting course! and very detailed!

Quick and easy to use

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Informative and motivating

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A very informative eye opening course

I found this course very informative and eye opening to the extent of damage we have done to the planet and the course provides many ways of minimising the damage and a way of controlling it.

Brilliant Course. Thoroughly Enjoyed it

I really enjoyed taking part in this course and learning more about the impact to our environment, and to learn some things I didn’t know, it has expanded my knowledge.

Great course, enjoyable and informative

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