Environmental Awareness Training, Page 279 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

4072 reviews

  • 73% 5
  • 12% 4
  • 8% 3
  • 4% 2
  • 4% 1

(Apologies, more than one paragraph!)Very informative course, a lot of valuable information.  Some of which I was aware of and some of which was completely new, such as the difference in the symbols on packaging.  I thought they all meant the material was recyclable or part of it was.  I didn't realise the "Green Dot" meant the company had donated money towards recycling.  I always thought it meant the item could be recycled!!  I will pay closer attention to the symbols when recycling in future. We are all aware that mankind, as a whole, has a devastating effect on Mother Earth.  There are countless articles, programmes etc warning us and telling us.  What was good about this course is that so many of those facts where presented there and also represented by images and examples which really hit home the trouble, to put it midly, Mother Earth is in and how vital a role we each have to play as 'guardians' of this amazing planet we live on. Some people might think, "I'm just one person, what difference does it make if I turn the heating down by a few degrees, or don't recycle a coffee cup" etc etc.  If everyone thought like that we would never get anywhere, now would we?   With everyone contributing, whether it's at home or at work or even travelling back and forward to work.... WE CAN ALL MAKE A DIFFERENCE.  A positive difference, no matter how small, is better than the alternative. Not really wishing to compare this to Covid-19, we need to work as One, our combined efforts will ensure Mother Earth and all those who inhabit her, have a future and a bright one at that. To quote the unofficial motto of Switzerland, 'Un pour tous, tous pour un", more famously known by most of us from Alexandre Dumas's novel (and subsequent film versions) 'The Three Musketeers'.... "One for All and All for One". Thank you.

Good context, but lacked ambition

I thought the context, provided by the descriptions of the twin threats of climate change and the catastrophic loss of biodiversity, was good. However, I think you could have been much more ambitious in the changes you were suggesting organisations and individuals make. These were mostly about reducing waste which of course is good but what about challenging us to reduce our high carbon lifestyles by changing our diets, to more of a plant based diet, and reducing the amount of flying we do. Our diet and the number of flights we take each year have the biggest impacts on our individual and collective carbon footprints.

It certainly makes you think.

No summary provided

really good, clear, engaging training

really good, clear, engaging training

It was very informative

No summary provided

Very interesting good awareness

Very interesting good awareness of what is going on in the planet

Really interesting and informative

The use of comparative facts e.g. recycling one glass bottle saves enough energy to light a bulb for 4 hours, really made it clear what difference small changes can make. Really made me think about how we can do better. Surprised that there was absolutely no mention of electric cars as a choice IF you do have to change/own a car.

This training course is a bit too long

No summary provided

Very good information

No summary provided

Very good, very useful and clear

Found the course very interesting and explanatory


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