Environmental Awareness Training, Page 26 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

4064 reviews

  • 73% 5
  • 12% 4
  • 8% 3
  • 4% 2
  • 4% 1
Slightly unbalanced

This one has an air of campaigning about it. A few assumptions are made which limits impartiality.

The most important training for anyone

This training is so important for everyone within any organisation to complete. It certainly makes one think of the environment and what we can do to reduce our impact on it. Being of the older generation, we have always been mindful of using and re-using clothes, furniture and also using life bags not plastic bags. However, those of the younger generations have not been brought up in times of austerity like our parents were, so our parents instilled their valued into us their children.

Very easy to use and informative

Comprehensive coverage. Allthough coming from a farming background and farming community found some of the recommendations towards meat and grain production somewhat bias and hard hitting on an already hard hit industry .


Full of information I had not considered before!

Simplistic, Repetitive, & inaccurate

Many points repeated to pad out what could be done in 20 mins to 40 mins. Over simplistic ... "saving paper saves trees" ... not when the trees are grown specifically to make paper. Also putting the paper into landfill then locks the carbon back up in the Earth.

biased and devisive

This course was, in my opinion terrible. As a professional who's role includes energy efficiency and sustainability, I found many of the point overly biased and so lack any depth into why these issues occured and what the potenetial social or economic impacts of the changes being recommended would have beyond the obvious initial claim. As is well documented many of the changes recommened have headline grabbing statics, but the followup impact and fall out (or butterfly effect) is missed and so the actual resulting impact of the change is not evident. Also found some of the information incorrect, an obvious example turning kettles off at the plug. Kettles have no standby current as the inbuilt switch isolates the supply, as such turning it off at the plug has no impact at all. Had this course not been part of my companies mandatory training, I would not have finished this course. I am not against Sustainability or the Enviromental impact we are having on the world, but this training did nothing to drive me to change my existing habits nor improve my awareness of the issues, their root cause or how best to address them, both at a personal, company or even global level.

Really interesting

No summary provided

Interesting, helpful,

Easyto listen to, and understand,better when in segments and not in one go,

Very good

No summary provided

This course is too long.

I am a grown adult, and have been taking this type of course for years. It's too long to complete while trying to get your job done.


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