Environmental Awareness Training, Page 188 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

4081 reviews

  • 73% 5
  • 12% 4
  • 8% 3
  • 4% 2
  • 4% 1
Good easy learning course

Quite easy to understand and easy to complete

Good course, but too long

Very well put together and covers the subject matter well, but is too long, should be split into separate sessions

Monotonous and boring

Playing one monotonous video one after the other is no way educate, no diversity in learning methods or interactivity, not even a change of person doing the presenting. 30 of these videos way too many, have no idea what key messages were or what the point of this was.

very informative and useful

No summary provided

Clear and Easy to follow

No summary provided

Util para la concienciacion

aunque un poco largo debido al poco tiempo que disponemos en el trabajo, encuentro el curso de gran importancia para la concienciaión mundial del impacto que tenemos los humanos sobre el planeta.

Good Course.

Feels like we could do with some follow-on workshops to develop ideas. One note on the course, there are a lot of stats quoted but they are very vague, e.g the glass bottle reuse ... save 7hrs of lightbulb use, clearly that varies dependant on light (4W LED or 50W halogen?), just to add "xW" Lightbulbs to the statement would add a lot more credibility to the statement and be more informative.

I was shocked at how much we waste

No summary provided

Important but nothing new

I am pleased that this training is in place as I am keen to support anything that raises awareness of environmental issues. I also appreciate that knowledge will vary from person to person. However I found this a bit long and didn't really learn much personally- I was hoping for more innovative ideas on how to make an individual impact but am already doing all the suggestions.

Generally good

It was a good course. I am based from home in Spain. I already take environmental awareness very seriously, however this has made me rethink some issues. I just wish we could drink the tap water here!!


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