Environmental Awareness Training, Page 174 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

4079 reviews

  • 73% 5
  • 12% 4
  • 8% 3
  • 4% 2
  • 4% 1
Good course & sends a clear messsage

The course content is well presented and sends a clear message about the impact we are having upon the environment. Small savings can bring big change. I think a couple of the items could be better presented, such as reducing Meat / Dairy intake. This should carry a warning to speak to a health practioner before making this sort of choice. I also feel there is not enough said about the responsibility of governments and manufacturers to reduce the impact some of their practices have, instead of putting the onus onto individuals. I understand that us as individuals can have an impact by impressing upon local government to do more, but I think a piece within this course might have readdressed tha balance.Good course and will cetainly make me think more about the potential impact I may be imposing on the environment.

Made simple so everyone can understand

Made simple so everyone can understand

Too preachy

Not balanced in the element around eating meat and dairy Irresponsible in creating a negativity towards farming Needs more balance in some areas and better information on what regulations apply and where rather than a general statements

a short time taken out of my busy day

There seems to be an agenda in turning people into vegetarians.....part of the 'Great Re-set'???? Most of this has been going on for a long time now so nothing new. We need more commercial knowledge about recycling plastics, ie which can be or which cannot..... things are still confusing.

Good course

Good course

Didn't like the suggestions about diet.

Not enough separation between objective data - legislation and the like - and subjective data - e.g. in how many weeks does the average person throw away their body-weight in waste. I probably throw my body weight away quite quickly, as I am very slim, not because I am particularly wasteful.

I'm acquired knowledge

No summary provided

Good to know what we should do.

No summary provided

Very informative

No summary provided

Informative and onpoint

No summary provided


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