Environmental Awareness Training, Page 168 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

4076 reviews

  • 73% 5
  • 12% 4
  • 8% 3
  • 4% 2
  • 4% 1
Enlightening, useful

Enlightening and useful, a great to know for in the workplace and at home.

Makes you more aware

Any thing that makes you stop and think about your action on the environment is good.

Boring woman talking for an hour

No summary provided

A bit long winded

A bit long winded for someone who is in the know. No way to fast track to Test

A good recap and reminder- but scary too

This was a good recap and reminder- but also scary too, when you see the increase in population, waste, greenhouse gasses etc. A useful wake up call to be more aware of what we can do individually and as an organisation to be aware of pollution, waste and energy and the mantra 'LESS IS MORE'. Food for thought on ideas we can all try at home and work - very insightful.


No summary provided

Very good to put you to sleep

This is a very good course if you need a 30 min nap as it gets you in the right mindset to have a rest.

Good Training

A good Training and very interesting.

very easy to understand

A lot of interesting facts you wouldn't even consider, that make a difference.

Irrelevant to my job

I found this course very condescending and judgemental. The facts and figures needed to pass the course had no relevance to my daily work. Having to complete this course used valuable time up which could have been better spent.


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