Environmental Awareness Training, Page 127 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

4072 reviews

  • 73% 5
  • 12% 4
  • 8% 3
  • 4% 2
  • 4% 1
Clear to understand and to the point

The lay out was better then old one . Each h section was not to long but still had the right information.

Easy to follow ad informative

No summary provided

Good training course to do

Good all round training course some bits already known about but good to get refreshed on what needs doing again.

not told me anything I am not already do

As I live in a static caravan in Northampton, waste is a main subject, so I try to buy recyclable products, and I put ALL my rubbish into the recyclable bins and let the bin men sort what they want. I've mentioned paper to the place of work, and about using the ipads more, but it falls on deaf ears. surely war uses more oxygen and puts bad stuff into the air, so why not preach to Russia

Patronising, self-righteous, arduous

I appreciate the necessity of the information being imparted but the self-righteous and patronising way in which things were rammed down one's throat was not appreciated. Also the less than subtle attempts at trying to convince one to become vegetarian were unwelcome.

Too many slides

This is an important subject but it could be delivered in under 40 mins by removing some of the "padding" . The quality was good but needs to be more succinct with maybe a bit more impact .

Very informative and relevant

I found the course very interesting. Presented clearly and with some great examples to demonstrate the theory / impact. Some facts I was not previously aware of and were very thought provoking.


Perfect for 8 year olds. At 50 it's downright insulting!

Good the hierarchy questions especially

Good, perhaps a little more on care of the environment, awareness of breeding seasons and pesticide alternatives? Enjoyable and well presented.

I feel as though I aged watching this.

Information video was far too long and repetitive.


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