Environmental Awareness Training, Page 114 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

4072 reviews

  • 73% 5
  • 12% 4
  • 8% 3
  • 4% 2
  • 4% 1
Thought provoking content

No summary provided

It was interesting and easy listening.

No summary provided

great course

Every little helps . Some of the statistics are astounding.

Good course

No summary provided

Very informative course

The course is designed to make you think about the impact an individuals daily routine can have on the enviroment

Very low level - primary school level

The message is that Earth exists purely for our benefit and that everything on it is there to enhance our standard of living - rather than having any intrinsic value. Carbon offsetting is treated uncritically.

Time I won't get back

Despite the whole of the UK doing everything perfect, the world will still be screwed as we're a drop in the ocean which is China and USA. Rich people don't appear to reduce, re-use, recycle, it seems to be a poor people problem. We're barely keeping our head above the fiscal waters, with food, bills and energy costs yet we're expected to give money to charity? What money? We have none. Where are the multi-millionaires with their donations? Why is always those with nothing that are expected to fork out to fix the problems caused by the rich?

Good Information

I thought this e-learning had some good information and points.Although I feel it was pushing an ideology.

Progressive, forward-thinking, modern

A very practical, relevant and, in parts, forward-thinking presentation (esp. re references to vegetarianism / veganism). Very clearly put together and thought provoking. Especially liked the recurring message that we can all make a difference and that these small inputs add up to to a large benefit.

Too long for work

Should be split between workplace and individual so that the course is more manageable in a working day. Nearly an hour spent on it in total.


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