Environmental Awareness Training, Page 110 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.5

4072 reviews

  • 73% 5
  • 12% 4
  • 8% 3
  • 4% 2
  • 4% 1
Simplistic. One size fits all. Av

It was a simplistic and a sort of corporate attempt to try to encompass a one size fits all approach to environmental issues. Capel Manor college needs to incorporate environmental issues into all the syllabi and teaching. Some of the approaches to environmentalism were not relevant to a student at Capel Manor college. It was too generalised. It was a tick box exercise.


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Useful but some inaccuracies & politics

Useful info but inaccuracy and politics seeping in due to over simplification and sweeping statements.Some statements were factually untrue because of the sweeping nature of the statement; for example the correct test question asking what is causing climate change being global warming is untrue, which was also previously alluded to as being wholly due to humans, when there are several contributing factors include both natural and human activity. Making sweeping inaccurate statements like that make it much more difficult to convince people to be environmentally friendly as they think your lying and taking them for a ride.Political messaging; Explicitly promotes vegetarian and vegan lifestyles (this can leave you legally liable) which is scientifically provable as unhealthy/detrimental for a omnivore evolved species like humans. It talks about wholly giving up meat and diary as a alluded cure assist for climate change/environmental destruction due to methane. The role of methane emitted from cattle for example is carbon neutral which while being 25x more potent that of C02 lasts only up to 12 years instead of potentially century's (most broken down in months) breaking down into C02 in the environment to be reabsorbed by plants and eaten again by the cattle. What matters is if the emissions are within the capacity of the carbon cycle to maintain a relativistic climate, being always changing naturally; i.e. within a stable/sustainable and livable range. You also overlook the role livestock farming plays in managing and sustaining certain habitats, while there could certainly more biodiversity in fields used for grazing, making sweeping inaccurate statements does more harm that good in the end. Again for example, statements on over grazing yet failing to mention good farmers rotate the animals between fields.Some statements like that pertaining to nitrogen can give the impression its wholly detrimental, more discussion emphasis on balance is needed.No mention of important environmental factors such as breaking up of habitats with roads and fences, impacts of cats (i.e stick a bell on them) and invasive species.Also I got a doom mongering vibe from it at times, you don't won't to do that so much without providing examples of reversals and things getting better straight after.

Not boring informative

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Very informative

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User friendly and straight forward

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I found this course to be engaging

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Not bad content for raising awareness...

But some of the facts and figures are out of date given the changes over the last few years of climate conferences. It is now far more widely known that if we are to combat climate change and the extreme effects on humanity, global temperature increases need to kept to within 1.5 degrees C increase. The content and references need updating.

Vey Informative

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