DSE Training (Display Screen Equipment), Page 1983 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

20471 reviews

  • 73% 5
  • 17% 4
  • 6% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 2% 1
4 Stars

Helpful tips - Course lasted about 45 minutes - even though I watched the video.Easy and Friendly e-learning course.

4 Stars

i found this course very interesting it was fun to do ,i enjoyed doing it which was a first for me .and was happy with my result, i will emgourge the rest of my team to do it

To long

Its really long!

3 Stars

It all seemed relevant apart from the software usability and helpfulness to carry out work tasks (section 13?). This has nothing to do with health and safety.

5 Stars

Liked the individual sections and certainly made me more aware of posture positioning etc, which I had become sloppy with!

far to long

it takes far to long to sit through the videos and when trying to complete the final assessment never savedand kept stating all of the 100 questions had to be filled in when they had been having spent ages double checking

A good program deals with all the major

Very informative but there seems to be a fault at the end of the program when dealing with the self assessment as it keeps stating that not all the questions had been answered but they had. My staff found it a little frustrating until they found that they could hit the back arrow and cancel it out.

A well thought out exercise

A useful reminder of what is mostly common sense together with some useful exercise ideas

Easy to follow

Easy to follow, don't feel you need to give summary at start of each section because this is repeated in section, but on the whole very user friendly.

Good programme

Ideal way to do training when working a busy environment which limits time away from the building. Easty to access and understand.


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