DSE Training (Display Screen Equipment), Page 1973 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

20472 reviews

  • 73% 5
  • 17% 4
  • 6% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 2% 1
Presentation good - content is Baloney

I play football - 2 broken legs, broken ankle, broken arm dislocated knee, ruptured medial ligaments ruptured ankle ligaments - still playing. This is Nanny State correctness at its worst.

Audible & easy to follow.

Clear at what the aims were and the reasons why.

Good test makes you aware

Makes you aware of your surroundings in the work place and a good reminder to keep your working area free of rubbish and to set up your work area in the correct manner for your own comfort

The programme was very educational

The one problem with the programme was that I was unable to enlarge the display to "full screen". This made viewing some elements tricky.

Very good and thorough!

User friendly and i'm actually really enjoying the training!

Very inforamtive, useful information

Useful tips on posture, exercise and the work station

Little bit boring in some parts!

Mostly common sense but i did learn some new things from it!

Excellent programme & easy to use

The programme was very useful & as I direct result, I made a few simple changes to my desk layout & am also doing the excercises regularly which are a help

Quick, simple and informative

Took an hour to complete the DSE training - fine as I wasn't too busy and in a quiet office on my own, but would be more difficult in a busy, noisy office.

excellent programme

I enjoyed this programme because it had to do with alot of illustration than just talking. i have learnt alot from it and i have already changed some of the things i used to do which previously i considered to be right.


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