DSE Training (Display Screen Equipment), Page 1920 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

20475 reviews

  • 73% 5
  • 17% 4
  • 6% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 2% 1
Puts the onus on you.

It was more useful than teh usual DSE training as it provided useful exercises to carry out to avoid repetetive strain injury. It was a useful reminder of how everyday actions can build up to cause long term health problems.

Very informative.

Key points presented concisely and clearly.

Good for excercises.

This was good for work station exercises and good posture while sitting at your desk

Clear and easy to understand.

The only real problem is that most people will feel like an idiot doing all those exercises in the office.

Very informative and helpful!

it's amazing how technology has improved and the steps taken to ensure that staff are protected. This programme has been very helpful and that the Health and Safety of staff is very important to the company! Well done!

efficient screen display module

It was very effective although the points varied back and forth too much. Never-the-less I learned new information from this programme.

Tedious, patronising waste of time

Nobody is going to remember these and nobody will do them even if they do. Whoever came up with this, do you honestly think this is how people work? No-one is going obey these rules. This is the nanny-state at its worst. The best this can achieve is seriously lowering productivity and, of course, wasting an hour of everyone's time as they are forced to go through this test. You know I got 85% by skipping most of this? That's how predictable this stuff is. I stopped pretending to care about the time I was being told to do 10 minutes of wrist excersises and being told how to blink. Come on... seriously? On the other hand, allowing me to write this review has at least allowed me to get this out of my system and calm down again, although this just adds to how much of my time this test has wasted. You want to help avoid stress in the office? Stop distributing this test!

Really good and easy to understand

Really good

good, helpful, informatve

as above

Succinct and relevant.

The programme is succinctly written and links the sections methodically which makes it easy for the user to remember. The verbal narrative combines well with the subtitles to assist leasrning styles. The quiz questions could have been a little more searching but every one will probably understand this material on completion.


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