DSE Training (Display Screen Equipment), Page 1905 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

20476 reviews

  • 73% 5
  • 17% 4
  • 6% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 2% 1

I thought this covered all areas and wasn't too long which kept your attention.I think it certainly made you think about how you sit at your desk and the exercises were useful.

Very good but too long.

The programme was comprehensive and well presented; however, it appears to be aimed at a very wide audience, which means that I spent time on some aspects (e.g. provision of ergonomic work stations and keyboard/telephone cleaning) that are managed by our Company. A 15 minute training programme would probably suffice for companies such as Interconnecter with established Health & Safety procedures and a busy workforce.

clear language and plenty of visual aids

A very useful reminder of good ergonomic practise in the office environment

Excellent training modules

The DSE traing program is well defined and easy to follow. The audio and the display is good for good understanding.

Clear presentation

Clear presentation with good graphics/video and a sensible step by step approach. (NB Test froze on one question requiromng a restart which was slightly frustrating)

Very informative

Liked the few exercises included

5 Stars

It is easy to learn and have useful information in workplace.

The programme is easy to follow.

If the programme is going to be repeated annually, it is interesting enough not to grate too much.

Good visual and audio training

Good visual and audio training

4 Stars

It was a but long, but was surprisingly interesting and I have already made changes to my workstation because of what I've learnt. Thank you.


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